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Love the new you.

Look as good as you feel.

Arm Lift

Arm Lift

1-2 weeks

Down Time

3 hours

Procedure length


Pain scale

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Weight loss and aging can lead to quite noticeable changes in the upper arm area. This sagging skin can lead to a “bat wing”, which makes some clothing uncomfortable. Most common in women, it can lead to feeling self conscious when wearing short sleeve or sleeveless tops, or bathing suits.

Why people have this procedure:


Traditional exercise has failed to produce desired results.


Clothing no longer fits as it did, and patients may feel very self conscious in a swimsuit.


To boost self-confidence, and to feel comfortable and confident in your own body.

Ready to discover the new you?

The Process

This process is customisable and is tailored to each individual’s needs and desired outcome. A physical evaluation by the surgeon will determine what surgical plan will best meet your expectations.

  • This procedure involves an incision along the medial aspect of the arms, and excess skin and fat are excised. The length of the incision will depend upon the amount of tissue to be removed.

  • In some instances, liposuction is enough to correct the issue, removing stubborn fat causing the droopiness with a less invasive surgery.

  • Occasionally, both liposuction and skin excision are used for optimal results.

  • When the surgeon is confident your aesthetic goals have been achieved, they will close the incision with sutures.


You will experience some soreness and bruising post procedure, which may last for up to a month.

  • Most patients can return to non-strenuous work in 1-2 weeks, depending upon the amount of tissue removed.

  • Strenuous work or exercise should not be resumed until at least 4 to 6 weeks have passed.

  • It is important that your incisions are not subjected to stress, abrasion, or excessive motion during this time.

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